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About Us

Living Bridges Ministry is a non-profit that seeks to build bridges in our community through different ministries in effort to connect people to the Lord Jesus Christ, to one another as His Church, and to resources that help meet their needs. In effort to meet people's needs holistically, we offer a wide variety of ministry programs including our Community Garden, Bible studies, summer Kid's Connection, Mom’s Connection, Healthy Cooking & Eating classes, Transformations classes to assist people looking to improve their current financial situation, Community Clothing Closet, an Easter Egg Hunt, a Fall Trunk or Treat, a Birthday Party for Jesus, educational programming, and other community outreach events.
Living Bridges is entering its 7th year of investing in the Lowndes County community. We have been so blessed by your prayers, your volunteerism, and your donations! The video below highlights the rapid growth of our programs and the evolving needs of our community over that period of time.
Those desiring to review our governing documents, our annual 990, or other policies should contact our office at 229-234-7427 or via email at info@livingbridgesministry.
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